Community Management System (CMS) Our flagship product is the industry's most comprehensive and intuitive community management system on the market today. CMS increases the effectiveness of management staff, security officers and Board/Committee members by providing the information-tracking capabilities they need. CMS supports communities of any size and offers multiple search criteria, printing customizable guest passes, numerous utilities and practically unlimited reporting capabilities.

iCMS Guard App - The revolutionary iCMS app combines the latest smart-device technology with ABDi’s professional experience and programming creativity. It allows gatehouse staff to more effectively handle busy visitor lanes. Pressured contractors and impatient visitors can be processed at their respective vehicles as far as 300 feet from the gatehouse, using an iPhone, iPad or iPad Mini. The device's on-board camera can be used to take a photograph of the visitor and license plate along with documenting vehicle details. iCMS functions include multiple search criteria to display resident guest lists, speed-dial functionality (iPhone cellular or VoIP activation required) and even print passes (AirPrint or optional mobile thermal printer required). iCMS also functions with ABDI’s Call Authorization, Video Capture and Gate Control optional modules.


  • RESIDENT WEB PACKAGE (GATEACCESS.NET) - Minimize guest lane traffic by allowing residents to pre-authorize their guests using any computer or their iPhone/iPad or Android smartphone. It integrates seamlessly with ABDi's CMS software and allows gatehouse staff to focus on their primary task - welcoming guests into the community. is our most useful and popular add-on module.
  • ABDiPulse MOBILE MANAGEMENT SUITE - The cutting-edge software suite for security, maintenance and property management executives who wish to bring their respective disciplines into the 21st century. It allows management to reach goals while reducing costs and increasing productivity.
  • MASS NOTIFICATION SYSTEM - Improve communication by sending email, text and voice-recorded telephone message blasts to all residents, or by street or subdivision.
  • FASTACCESS ELECTRONIC PASS MODULE - Expedite the entry process by sending electronic passes from a computer or our iOS/Android smartphone apps. Residents can send FastAccess passes directly to guests. The event coordinator can send bulk electronic passes to event guests (weddings, golf tournaments, etc.).
  • VoIP CALL AUTHORIZATION (VOICEMAIL) SYSTEM - Save money and manpower by automating the mundane task of answering phone calls to authorize guests or contractors. Residents leave voicemails to authorize their guests or contractors directly into CMS. No costly phone lines are required and residents never receive a busy signal.
  • SCANFAST ID (DRIVER'S LICENSE) SCANNING - Raise the level of contractor and guest accountability by scanning their driver's license, state/national ID, military ID or green card when they enter the community. The credential information including the picture is recorded in the guest entry log.
  • VIDEO CAPTURE MODULE - Heighten the level of perceived security by leveraging your existing video surveillance cameras to capture pictures. Digital pictures of guests are automatically attached to each entry log record, thereby putting a face with the name.
  • LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION MODULE - Save time and eliminate data entry errors by automatically populating the license plate number in the CMS entry log. Also expedites the entry process of returning guests by identifying their destination from their license plate number.
  • CUSTOM ID SYSTEMS - Increase the level of security by extending access control capabilities to the community's amenities. ABDiDentification is a highly customizable, full-featured photo ID system that integrates with CMS or as a stand-alone system. Photo IDs can be visually checked or used as an access control system credential.
  • POINT-OF-SALE (POS) MODULE - Generate recurring revenue by selling access control devices, decals and contractor/guest passes. The POS system tracks sales, manages device inventory and creates reconciliation reports by employee, shift, day, week, month, etc. Payment methods include cash, check, credit card or billed to an account.
  • RENTAL PORTAL - Simplify the process of issuing/selling guest passes to short-term renters. Rental companies and residents can issue electronic pass vouchers that are linked to the property directly to the renter. The number of passes can be limited based on available parking spaces. Upon arrival, the guard simply scans the voucher barcode to print a pass.
  • COUNTRY CLUB  MODULE - Increase the level of service provided to club members and their guests by leveraging the access control system to annouce arrivals.

22037 STATE ROAD 7                    


Email:                 Phone: (561) 451-3232                    
FAX: (561) 451-4291